
This week I heard someone say that “time is the most valuable commodity you have.” Yep.

My oldest daughter asked me to go to a food truck fair. We rode over in perfect weather. I can hardly tell she’s riding behind me. She weighs about nothing and a half and hardly moves. But I know she see’s everything. When we turned onto the street just before coming to the parking lot I was expecting to see a food truck. Maybe two. Instead I saw two police cars, lights flashing, and cops out directing the lines of traffic. There was a hot air balloon giving 50 foot rides up and down. 10 food trucks circled the parking lot with families lining up at each and listening to the live band play. We parked, chose our favorite truck, and then found some shade to eat and watch people. She took this picture.IMG_4472

We didn’t talk much.   Just sat as the sun started to go down. Then we put on our jackets and helmets and rode home the long way.

I did not spend time tonight. Maybe it was invested. Maybe it was a gift. Maybe both.

6 thoughts on “Time

  1. Thanks for the encouraging reminder on how time’s not a transaction, but an invaluable gift to share and receive–great post!


  2. Thanks for the encouraging reminder on how time’s not a transaction but rather an invaluable gift to be shared and received–great post!


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